Scheduling Recurrent Events Every 10 Minutes with MySQL: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Scheduling Recurrent Events Every 10 Minutes with MySQL: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually triggering events in your application every 10 minutes? Do you wish you had a way to automate this process using MySQL? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to schedule recurrent events every 10 minutes using MySQL, ensuring your application runs smoothly and efficiently.

What Are Recurrent Events?

In the context of software development, recurrent events refer to tasks or actions that need to be performed at regular intervals. These events can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even minutely. In our case, we’ll focus on scheduling events every 10 minutes using MySQL.

Why Use MySQL for Recurrent Events?

  • Reliability**: MySQL is a robust and reliable database management system, ensuring your events are triggered consistently.
  • Scalability**: MySQL can handle large amounts of data and traffic, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic applications.
  • Flexibility**: MySQL provides a wide range of features and tools, allowing you to customize your event scheduling to meet your specific needs.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • MySQL installed on your server or local machine.
  • A basic understanding of MySQL syntax and querying.
  • A table created in your MySQL database to store event data (we’ll call it `events`).

Creating a Recurrent Event Every 10 Minutes

To create a recurrent event every 10 minutes, we’ll use MySQL’s built-in `EVENT` scheduler. This feature allows us to schedule events to run at specific times or intervals.

Step 1: Create the Event

ENDS '2030-12-31 23:59:59'
    -- Your event code here

In the above code:

  • `CREATE EVENT` statement creates a new event.
  • `my_event` is the name of our event.
  • `ON SCHEDULE` specifies the scheduling parameters.
  • `EVERY 10 MINUTE` sets the event to run every 10 minutes.
  • `STARTS CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` sets the start time to the current timestamp.
  • `ENDS ‘2030-12-31 23:59:59’` sets the end time to December 31, 2030, at 11:59 PM (you can adjust this to your desired end date).
  • `DO` block contains the code to be executed when the event is triggered.

Step 2: Define the Event Code

In the `DO` block, you’ll define the code to be executed when the event is triggered. This can be a stored procedure, a query, or a series of statements.

ENDS '2030-12-31 23:59:59'
    UPDATE events
    SET last_run = NOW()
    WHERE id = 1;

In this example, we’re updating a row in the `events` table with the current timestamp when the event is triggered.

Triggering the Event

Once the event is created, MySQL will automatically trigger it every 10 minutes. You can verify this by checking the `last_run` column in your `events` table.

Checking Event Status

To check the status of your event, use the following query:

SHOW EVENTS WHERE db = 'your_database_name' AND name = 'my_event';

This will display information about your event, including its status and next scheduled execution time.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with recurrent events in MySQL, you may encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

Event Not Triggering

If your event is not triggering, check the following:

  • Event scheduler is enabled (check the `event_scheduler` variable).
  • Event is enabled (check the `ENABLE` status in the `SHOW EVENTS` query).
  • There are no syntax errors in your event code.

Event Running Too Frequently

If your event is running more frequently than expected, check the following:

  • The `EVERY` clause in your event definition is set correctly.
  • There are no duplicate events with the same name.

Best Practices for Recurrent Events

To ensure your recurrent events run smoothly and efficiently, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a dedicated table for event data**: This helps keep your event data organized and easy to manage.
  2. Use a unique event name**: Avoid using duplicate event names to prevent conflicts.
  3. Test your event code**: Verify your event code is working correctly before scheduling it.
  4. Monitor event performance**: Regularly check your event’s performance and adjust the scheduling as needed.
  5. Document your events**: Keep a record of your events, including their purpose, scheduling, and code.


In this article, we’ve covered how to schedule recurrent events every 10 minutes using MySQL. By following these steps and best practices, you can automate tasks and ensure your application runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember to test and monitor your events regularly to ensure they’re working as expected.

Event Schedule Trigger Time Event Code
EVERY 10 MINUTE 2023-03-01 14:30:00 UPDATE events SET last_run = NOW() WHERE id = 1;
EVERY 10 MINUTE 2023-03-01 14:40:00 UPDATE events SET last_run = NOW() WHERE id = 1;
EVERY 10 MINUTE 2023-03-01 14:50:00 UPDATE events SET last_run = NOW() WHERE id = 1;

This table illustrates how the event will be triggered every 10 minutes, updating the `last_run` column in the `events` table.

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Recurrent Event Every 10 Minutes and MySQL” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on scheduling recurrent events with MySQL!

How can I schedule a recurrent event to run every 10 minutes using MySQL?

You can use the `CREATE EVENT` statement in MySQL to schedule a recurrent event to run every 10 minutes. For example: `CREATE EVENT my_event ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 MINUTE DO CALL my_procedure();`. This will execute the `my_procedure` stored procedure every 10 minutes.

What is the purpose of the `ON SCHEDULE` clause in the `CREATE EVENT` statement?

The `ON SCHEDULE` clause specifies when the event should be executed. In this case, `EVERY 10 MINUTE` means the event will be executed every 10 minutes. You can adjust this schedule to fit your needs, such as `EVERY 1 HOUR` or `EVERY 1 DAY`.

Can I use a cron job to schedule a recurrent event in MySQL?

No, you cannot use a cron job to schedule a recurrent event directly in MySQL. However, you can use a cron job to execute a script that interacts with your MySQL database. For example, you can use a cron job to execute a PHP script that runs a MySQL query every 10 minutes.

How do I ensure that my recurrent event runs only once every 10 minutes, even if the server restarts?

To ensure that your recurrent event runs only once every 10 minutes, even if the server restarts, you can use the `ENABLE` and `DISABLE` statements in MySQL. For example, you can disable the event when it’s executed and re-enable it after 10 minutes. This way, the event will only run once every 10 minutes, even if the server restarts.

What are some common use cases for scheduling recurrent events in MySQL?

Some common use cases for scheduling recurrent events in MySQL include: cleaning up temporary data, running reports, sending notifications, updating statistics, and performing maintenance tasks. These events can help automate repetitive tasks and improve the overall performance and reliability of your database.