Mastering PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs: Response Language Change Demystified
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Mastering PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs: Response Language Change Demystified

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Are you tired of wrestling with the intricacies of PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs? Do you find yourself stuck with a sea of code, trying to figure out how to change the response language? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs, and explore the magical realm of response language change.

The Basics: PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand the fundamentals of PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs.

PlanTour API is a powerful tool that helps you plan the most efficient routes for your customers, taking into account factors like traffic, road conditions, and time constraints. It’s an essential component of any logistics or transportation-related application.

createDistanceMatrix API, on the other hand, is used to calculate the distances and durations between multiple origins and destinations. It’s a vital component of any application that requires calculating distances, such as ride-hailing services or e-commerce platforms.

But What about Response Language Change?

Ah, yes! Response language change is where things can get a bit tricky. By default, both PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs return responses in the language of the region where the request is made. However, what if you need to change the response language to cater to a global audience or accommodate specific business requirements?

The answer lies in the language parameter, which allows you to specify the desired language for the response. But, beware! It’s not as simple as just adding a language parameter. Oh no, there’s more to it than that.

The Magic Happens: Changing Response Language

To change the response language, you need to append the language parameter to your API request. Sounds easy, right? Well, it is, once you understand the syntax and the available language codes.

In the above example, we’re requesting a PlanTour API response in English (US locale). The language code en-US is used to specify the desired language.

But wait, there’s more! You can also specify multiple languages using the language parameter. Separate each language code with a comma, and the API will return responses in each specified language.

In this example, the API will return responses in English (US locale), French (France locale), and Spanish (Spain locale).

Supported Languages

So, which languages are supported by PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs? Well, that’s a great question! Here’s a comprehensive list of supported languages:

Language Code Language Locale
en-US English United States
fr-FR French France
es-ES Spanish Spain
de-DE German Germany
it-IT Italian Italy
pt-PT Portuguese Portugal
zh-CN Mandarin Chinese China
ja-JP Japanese Japan
ko-KR Korean South Korea

Note that the supported languages may vary depending on the API provider and the specific API endpoint.

Real-World Applications

Now that we’ve mastered the art of response language change, let’s explore some real-world applications.

Imagine you’re building a logistics application that caters to customers from all over the world. By using PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs with language change, you can provide accurate route planning and distance calculations in the customer’s preferred language.

Or, picture this: you’re developing an e-commerce platform that ships products globally. By using createDistanceMatrix API with language change, you can provide accurate shipping times and distances in the customer’s native language, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Common Use Cases

Here are some common use cases for PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs with language change:

  • Logistics and transportation applications
  • E-commerce platforms with global shipping
  • Ride-hailing services with multilingual support
  • Travel booking platforms with routing and distance calculations
  • Food delivery services with multilingual support


In conclusion, changing the response language for PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix APIs is a crucial aspect of building global applications. By mastering the language parameter and understanding the supported languages, you can provide a seamless experience for your users, regardless of their geographical location.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge wisely, and may the API forces be with you!

// Output:
  "routes": [...],
  "lang": "en-US"

Happy coding, and may your responses be forever multilingual!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about the tricky response language change when using PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix API.

Why does the response language change when I use PlanTour and createDistanceMatrix API?

The response language is determined by the Accept-Language header sent in the request. If you don’t specify the language, the API will default to the server’s language or the user’s browser language. Make sure to set the Accept-Language header to your preferred language to get consistent responses.

How do I set the Accept-Language header in my API request?

You can set the Accept-Language header using the HTTP request header. For example, if you’re using curl, you can add the following line to your request: `-H ‘Accept-Language: en-US’`. This will specify the language as English (United States). Adjust the language code to your preferred language.

Can I specify the language for each API request separately?

Yes, you can specify the language for each API request separately by adding the `language` parameter to your request. For example, ``. This will override the default language set in the Accept-Language header.

What happens if I don’t specify the language at all?

If you don’t specify the language, the API will default to the server’s language or the user’s browser language. This can lead to inconsistent responses, so it’s recommended to always specify the language to ensure consistent results.

Are there any language codes that are not supported by the API?

Yes, not all language codes are supported by the API. Make sure to check the API documentation for a list of supported language codes. If you specify an unsupported language code, the API will default to the server’s language or the user’s browser language.

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