Unlock the Power of Telegram Bot: Fixing the “Telegram Bot will not show Link Preview” Issue with disable_web_page_preview = false
Image by Myong - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Telegram Bot: Fixing the “Telegram Bot will not show Link Preview” Issue with disable_web_page_preview = false

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Are you tired of struggling with your Telegram Bot not showing link previews, despite setting `disable_web_page_preview` to `false`? Well, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has puzzled many developers, but fear not, we’re here to guide you through the solution.

What is `disable_web_page_preview` and Why is it Important?

`disable_web_page_preview` is a parameter in the Telegram Bot API that allows you to control whether a link preview is shown when a user sends a link to your bot. By setting it to `false`, you’re telling Telegram to generate a preview for the link. Sounds simple, right?

But Why Isn’t it Working?

There are several reasons why your Telegram Bot might not be showing link previews, even with `disable_web_page_preview` set to `false`. Let’s dive into the most common causes and solutions:

Reason 1: Incomplete or Invalid API Setup

Making sure your Telegram Bot API is set up correctly is the first step to resolving this issue. Double-check that you have:

  • Created a Telegram Bot and obtained its API token
  • Set up a webhook or used the BotFather bot to communicate with the Telegram API
  • Implemented the necessary API calls to send and receive messages

If you’ve missed a step or made an error in your setup, it’s likely that link previews won’t work.

Reason 2: Inadequate Message Formatting

The format of your message can affect whether a link preview is displayed. Ensure that:

  • Your message contains a valid URL
  • The URL is properly formatted (e.g., starts with “https://” or “http://”)
  • You’re sending the message with the correct content type (e.g., `text`, `markdown`, or `HTML`)

A poorly formatted message can prevent the link preview from displaying.

Reason 3: Telegram Bot Permissions Issues

Telegram Bots require specific permissions to access and display link previews. Make sure that:

  • Your bot has the necessary permissions to access the web page (e.g., `https://example.com`)
  • The bot is allowed to send messages with links and preview content

If your bot lacks the necessary permissions, it won’t be able to generate link previews.

Reason 4: Server-Side Rendering Issues

In some cases, server-side rendering can interfere with link previews. Check that:

  • Your server is properly configured to handle Telegram’s requests
  • Server-side rendering is not blocking or altering the link preview content

Server-side rendering issues can prevent the link preview from being generated or displayed.

Solving the Issue: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the common causes, let’s walk through a step-by-step solution to get your Telegram Bot showing link previews with `disable_web_page_preview` set to `false`:

  1. Verify your Telegram Bot API setup using the Telegram API documentation and the BotFather bot.


  2. Check your message formatting by sending a simple message with a valid URL:

            "chat_id": "YOUR_CHAT_ID",
            "text": "Check out this awesome article: https://example.com"
  3. Ensure your bot has the necessary permissions by checking the Telegram Bot API documentation and adjusting your bot’s configuration accordingly:


  4. Review your server-side rendering setup to ensure it’s not interfering with link previews. You may need to adjust your server configuration or disable server-side rendering for Telegram requests.

  5. Use the Telegram API to send a message with `disable_web_page_preview` set to `false`:

            "chat_id": "YOUR_CHAT_ID",
            "text": "Check out this awesome article: https://example.com",
            "disable_web_page_preview": false
  6. Test your setup by sending a message with a valid URL to your bot. If the link preview still doesn’t appear, try debugging your setup using Telegram’s API debugging tools.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To get the most out of your Telegram Bot and ensure link previews work as expected, keep the following in mind:

Tips and Tricks Description
Use a Consistent URL Format Use a consistent URL format (e.g., always use “https://” or “http://”) to ensure that Telegram can properly parse the link.
Avoid Using URL Shorteners URL shorteners can interfere with link previews. Instead, use the original URL to ensure that Telegram can generate a preview.
Test with Different Link Types Test your setup with different types of links (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, www, non-www) to ensure that link previews work across various scenarios.
Monitor API Rate Limits Be mindful of Telegram’s API rate limits to avoid being blocked or rate-limited, which can prevent link previews from being generated.

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the “Telegram Bot will not show Link Preview” issue and ensure that your bot displays link previews with `disable_web_page_preview` set to `false`. Happy botting!


In conclusion, resolving the “Telegram Bot will not show Link Preview” issue requires a thorough understanding of the Telegram Bot API, message formatting, and permissions. By following our step-by-step guide and tips, you’ll be able to unlock the power of link previews and enhance your Telegram Bot’s functionality. Remember to stay vigilant and adapt to any changes in the Telegram API to ensure your bot remains operational and effective.

Have any questions or need further assistance? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Telegram bots can be a bit finicky, and sometimes, they don’t behave as expected. If you’re struggling to get your Telegram bot to show link previews, even when you’ve set `disable_web_page_preview` to `false`, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions that might just help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why isn’t my Telegram bot showing link previews when I’ve set disable_web_page_preview to false?

This is likely because the bot doesn’t have the necessary permissions to preview web pages. Make sure your bot is configured with the correct permissions, and that the `disable_web_page_preview` parameter is set to `false` when sending the message.

I’ve set disable_web_page_preview to false, but the preview still isn’t showing. What’s going on?

Double-check that the URL you’re trying to preview is valid and can be accessed by the Telegram bot. Additionally, ensure that the URL doesn’t contain any suspicious or restricted content that might be blocking the preview.

Does the type of URL I’m sharing affect whether the link preview is shown?

Yes, it does! Telegram has different rules for different types of URLs. For example, URLs from certain domains or with specific file extensions might be blocked or restricted. Make sure you’re sharing a URL that’s compatible with Telegram’s link preview feature.

Can I force Telegram to show a link preview, even if it’s not recommended?

While it’s not recommended, you can try using the `parse_mode` parameter and set it to `HTML` to force a link preview. However, be aware that this might not always work as expected, and it’s generally better to follow Telegram’s guidelines for link previews.

What if none of these tricks work? Is it a bug or a feature?

If you’ve tried all the above and still can’t get the link preview to work, it might be a good idea to check the Telegram Bot API documentation or seek help from the Telegram community. It’s possible that there’s a bug or a limitation that you’re not aware of. And if all else fails, you can always try reaching out to Telegram’s support team for assistance!

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