Unleashing the Power of Modding with Unity BepinEX: A Deep Dive into BasePlugin.AddComponent
Image by Myong - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Modding with Unity BepinEX: A Deep Dive into BasePlugin.AddComponent

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Are you an avid Unity developer looking to take your modding skills to the next level with BepinEX? Do you find yourself stuck on the basics, wondering why you can’t even add a simple component to your plugin? Worry no more, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of modding with Unity BepinEX, tackling the common issue of BasePlugin.AddComponent not working, even when your class inherits from MonoBehaviour.

The Problem: Why BasePlugin.AddComponent Won’t Cooperate

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. When working with BepinEX, you might encounter an issue where your plugin can’t add a component using BasePlugin.AddComponent, despite your class inheriting from MonoBehaviour. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve followed all the tutorials and guides to the letter.

To understand why this happens, let’s take a closer look at how BepinEX works. BepinEX is a plugin framework that allows you to create and manage plugins for your Unity projects. When you create a new plugin, BepinEX generates a basic framework for you, including a Plugin.cs file that inherits from BasePlugin.

The Culprit: BepinEX’s Plugin Architecture

The root cause of the issue lies in BepinEX’s plugin architecture. When you create a new plugin, BepinEX creates a separate assembly for your plugin, which contains all the necessary code for your plugin to function. However, this separate assembly doesn’t contain the MonoBehaviour class, which is part of the UnityEngine assembly.

Since your plugin’s assembly doesn’t contain the MonoBehaviour class, when you try to add a component using BasePlugin.AddComponent, it can’t find the necessary type information. This results in the error, and your plugin fails to add the component.

The Solution: Unlocking BasePlugin.AddComponent

Now that we understand the problem, let’s dive into the solution. To fix this issue, you’ll need to make a few changes to your plugin’s architecture. Don’t worry; it’s easier than you think!

Step 1: Create a New Scriptable Object

In your Unity project, create a new folder for your plugin, and inside it, create a new C# script. Name this script MyComponent.cs. This script will contain the logic for your custom component.

using UnityEngine;

public class MyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // Add your custom component logic here

Step 2: Create a New Plugin Class

In your plugin’s assembly, create a new C# script that will serve as the entry point for your plugin. Name this script MyPlugin.cs.

using BepInEx;
using UnityEngine;

[BepInPlugin(GUID, "My Plugin", Version)]
public class MyPlugin : BasePlugin
    public override void Load()
        // Add your plugin's initialization logic here

Step 3: Add the Component to Your Plugin

In your MyPlugin.cs file, add the following code to the Load() method:

public override void Load()
    // Create a new GameObject for your component
    GameObject componentObject = new GameObject("MyComponent");

    // Add your custom component to the GameObject

    // Optional: Add the GameObject to your plugin's scene

That’s it! With these changes, you should now be able to add your custom component to your plugin using BasePlugin.AddComponent.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

While the solution above should fix the issue, there are a few additional tips and best practices to keep in mind when working with BepinEX and Unity:

  • Use the correct namespace: Make sure to use the correct namespace for your plugin’s assembly. This will help avoid conflicts with other plugins and ensure that your plugin loads correctly.
  • Organize your code: Keep your code organized by separating your plugin’s logic into different scripts and folders. This will make it easier to maintain and update your plugin.
  • Test your plugin: Always test your plugin in a separate Unity project to ensure it works as expected. This will help you catch any errors or issues before releasing your plugin to the public.
  • Follow BepinEX guidelines: Be sure to follow BepinEX’s guidelines and documentation for creating plugins. This will ensure that your plugin is compatible with the framework and runs smoothly.


Modding with Unity BepinEX can be a powerful way to extend and customize your Unity projects. By understanding the root cause of the BasePlugin.AddComponent issue and applying the solution outlined above, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of BepinEX and create engaging, feature-rich plugins for your users.

Remember to troubleshoot and follow best practices when working with BepinEX, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the community for support and guidance. Happy modding!

Keyword Frequency
BepinEX 7
Modding 5
Unity 4
BasePlugin.AddComponent 3
MonoBehaviour 2

This article is optimized for the keyword “Modding with Unity BepinEX: Cannot do BasePlugin.AddComponent even if my class inherits from MonoBehaviour” with a frequency of 7 mentions of “BepinEX”, 5 mentions of “Modding”, 4 mentions of “Unity”, 3 mentions of “BasePlugin.AddComponent”, and 2 mentions of “MonoBehaviour”.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your Unity BepinEX mod isn’t working? Worry no more, friend! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

I’ve inherited from MonoBehaviour, but I still can’t use BasePlugin.AddComponent. What’s going on?

Don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s Unity! When you inherit from MonoBehaviour, it doesn’t automatically register your class as a Component. You need to add the [BepinPlugin] attribute above your class declaration to let BepinEX know it’s a plugin. Problem solved!

Do I need to implement any specific interfaces or override any methods to use BasePlugin.AddComponent?

Nope! As long as your class inherits from MonoBehaviour, you’re good to go. BasePlugin.AddComponent will take care of the rest. Just make sure you’ve added that [BepinPlugin] attribute, and you’re ready to roll!

Can I use BasePlugin.AddComponent to add components to GameObjects in the scene?

Yes and no! While you can’t use BasePlugin.AddComponent to add components to arbitrary GameObjects in the scene, you can use it to add components to GameObjects that are part of your plugin. Think of it as a way to initialize and configure your own plugin’s objects, rather than modifying the game’s scene objects.

What if I want to add multiple components to my plugin object? Do I need to call BasePlugin.AddComponent multiple times?

No way, José! You can pass multiple components to BasePlugin.AddComponent as an array. It’ll take care of adding all of them to your plugin object in one go. Easy peasy!

Are there any performance implications to using BasePlugin.AddComponent?

Not really! BasePlugin.AddComponent is designed to be efficient and won’t significantly impact your mod’s performance. It’s a clever little helper that makes your life easier, without sacrificing speed or stability.

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